كيف و متى نكتب الارقام كتابه ؟
Do we write words or numerals for a number? x
There are two rules that people follow: x
هناك طريقتين
x1. The basic rule is very simple: x
القاعدة الأساسية في غاية البساطة
- use words for numbers from 0 to 9
نستخدام كلمات لعدد من 0 إلى 9
- use figures for numbers from 10 on
نستخدام أعداد الأرقام من 10
There were six people at the meeting. x
There were 12 people at the meeting. x
x2.Some people use a slightly different rule:x
هناك اختلاف بسيط في القاعدة
- use words for numbers from 0 to 99
- use figures for numbers from 100 on
There were sixty people at the meeting. x
There were 120 people at the meeting. x
Whether you use rule 1 or 2, the important thing is to apply the rule consistently. x
مهما كان استخدام القاعدة 1 أو 2 ، المهم هو تطبيق القاعدة باستمرار
There are some exceptions to these rules: x
هناك بعض الاستثناءات لهذه القواعد
a. If the number comes at the beginning of a sentence, it is normally written as a word: x
إذا كان عدد يأتي في بداية الجملة يكتب بالحروف
Two hundred people were present. x
b. Dates, times with AM or PM, street numbers, chapter numbers, page numbers, measurements etc. are normally expressed as figures: x
التواريخ والأوقات صباحا أو مساء ، الشوارع ، أرقام الصفحات ، والقياسات ، الخ .. عادة تكتب بالأرقام
January 1, 2010
10 Downing Street
6 kilograms
Chapter 3
page 255
c. Decimals, percentages, degrees and money with fractions are normally expressed as figures: x
7° or 7 degrees
54% or 54 percent
Finally, note that all ordinal numbers are normally expressed as words: x
twenty-first century
Third Reich
his second wife
Twenty-third Psalm